Getting to know my body with Ava

ava fertility tracker review

I must admit I have very little understanding of my body, the 28-day cycle and the clues it can give you about your broader health as a whole. Our monthly periods are commonly known as the fifth vital sign of understanding of how our bodies are working. However very few of us know no more than what day it is due to arrive and is it going to clash with travel, parties, Christmas. 

What is Ava?

Scientists have been learning that Estrogen and Progesterone have huge impacts on our body beyond fertility, playing a role in protecting your bones, heart and brain and the menstrual cycle is as vital to your health as your blood pressure. What’s excellent about Ava, is the brand is at the forefront of this, empowering women to take back control and knowledge of their cycle and their bodies.

ava fertility tracker review

How does it work?

With all that being said, for the past month, I’ve been using the Ava bracelet. An incredible piece of technology that has been designed to be worn while you sleep, and track critical features the cycle. It also looks at your fertility. I just found this an excellent tool for tracking my symptoms and knowing what to experience each day.

The bracelet hooks up to an app on your phone which you sync every morning to find out how :

  • fertile you are
  • your resting pulse rate
  • skin temperature
  • breathing rate
  • sleep
  • HRV ratio. 

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What AVA measures

  • Skin temperature: A vital sign in determining ovulation and your cycle. Typically your temperature will rise by half a degree and remain elevated until your next period. 
  • Sleep: I found this the most interesting, the bracelet can tell you the time of rest and the percentage of deep and light sleep per night.
  • HRV ratio: Essentially looks at how stressed you are as it seems at the rate between your high and low frequency of waves in your heart. 

Is it reliable?

The tracker has been clinically tested by the University Hospital of Zurich and is proven to detect an average of 5.3 fertile days per cycle – with 89% accuracy. An excellent tool if you are looking to conceive.

Since using this every night, I have found it incredibly useful in finding out more about my body and the symptoms which come through different stages of your cycle. If you get regular headaches, breakouts, dry skin, or mood swings, it probably has to do with where you are in your period. Using Ava can help you predict when those will happen. So you can prepare and take preventative action rather than continue to be surprised by your body every month.

I love how empowering it is, to take back control over your body and that’s something priceless!

You can buy your Ava fertility tracker online via, and it is priced at £249.00. You can save £20 with my code GIRLINTHELILACDRESS20

* Please note Ava is not a contraception method, it isn’t suitable for those on hormonal birth control and for those who aren’t in a 24-35 average day cycle. 

This post is in partnership with Ava, but I only work with brands I genuinely love and use, and I am all about empowering women.

Ava women update – 3 months in.




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