Ava women update

I wrote a blog post towards the end of last year discussing my Ava journey, and it was one of my most popular blog posts. So I wanted to give a little update a few months on so you could see how I had progressed with it. The fact I am still using it and loving it is a significant clue!

In case you haven’t read my first post. Ava is an ovulation tracking bracelet which links to an app on your smartphone. It is effortless to use, and you sync up every morning to get an insight into what your body is doing mostly. You can track aspects of your health including fertility, pregnancy and your health. I have been using it for months now as it is SO easy to use and no hassle which I love!

Order yours here!

Getting to know my body with AVA

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I am currently using Ava as a cycle tracker. In the last few months, I have been able to see exactly how my cycle impacts how I am feeling, even the hours of sleep I get during those times. Because of Ava’s tracking and I know when my sleep will be disrupted, and I won’t be feeling my best, I can alter my day to reflect this and go a little easier on myself.

I have found it useful in seeing how my stress affects other areas of my health such as my sleep patterns, and I have realised when I need to take a break and slow down. I am so pleased I started the Ava journey as it has allowed me knowledge on my health that I would not otherwise know.


I am not looking to track fertility at the moment; however, in the future, I know Ava will come in very handy for this. Ava can follow the beginning of your fertile window, so you have maximum opportunity to conceive. Also, Ava can track your pregnancy when you do conceive, so you know exactly what to expect during each trimester.

48369273_205202840387437_8298901491989610496_nWhat I have loved about Ava is how easy and convenient it is. You can take out all the thought and stress of tracking your cycle and let an app do the hard work for you. I also like that the information is so up to date, it can detect signs of your body preparing to ovulate up to five days in advance ( which I think is incredible!)

You can use my discount code to get £20 off! jasminhope20

A little insight into the app:

This post is in collaboration with Ava, but all love is my own. 



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